Thursday, March 14, 2013

Thanthirimale Temple Anuradhapura

Thanthirimale is an old village in the Anuradhapura District of Sri Lanka. It is located approximately 40 km north west of the Anuradhapura city.

Thanthirimale is known for the ancient Buddhist temple situated in a nearby rock covered area. The temple and the junction appears to be most important centre in the village. This temple has historical value. When the Sri Maha Bodhi was brought from India to Sri Lanka, one night along the way the pot containing the sapling was kept at Thanthirimale. It is believed that there was one branch separately grew from the pot, was planted at that village to remember the incident. Hence, some believe that this may be the first Sri Maha Bhodi plant in Sri Lanka. The Bo Tree is placed on top of large stony layer which may protect the tree up to now.
This place was unidentified till the beginning of the 19th century, and in the 1960s the temple was reestablished by Buddhist monks. The temple and surrounding area are full of ruins, including two stone statues and several stone ponds. There is an archaeological museum at Thanthirimale.


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